Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Upcoming Public Sessions(Feb) in Vedic Mathematics & Calculus:

An Introduction to Vedic Mathematics:
[Friday, 06 February, 2009]

Pre-Calculus : Graphical Transformations:
[Saturday, 07 February, 2009]

The Most Beautiful Functions in Calculus:
[Sunday, 08 February, 2009]

Limits : Its Methods & Applications
[Tuesday, 10 February, 2009]

Differential Calculus : The Differential Calculus
[Thursday, 12 February, 2009]

Vedic Mathematics : General Squares & Multiplication
[Friday, 13 February, 2009]

Vedic Mathematics: Revision Part 1
[Sunday, 22 February, 2009]

Monday, February 2, 2009

Conic Sections : Why are they called so?

Basic functions and their graphs


(an even function : symmetric about the y-axis)


(Even; Symm. about the y-axis)


(Gives the sign of the argument)

(An odd function : Symm. about the origin)

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Functions : A Classification

Click on the image to enlarge it.

The star marked functions are important only for JEE.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

VPS 1 : Session Recording

VPS 1 : Multiplying any number by 11

P.S: The number must be a 2-digit number.


1. Add the 2-digits of the number together.
2. Place the sum of the two-digits between the 2 digits to get the answer.


21x11->2+1=3, Answer=>231

36x11->3+6=9, Answer=>396

29x11->9+2=11(a 2-digit number, hence, 1 gets carried over), Answer=>319

VPS 1: Squaring Numbers Ending in 5


1. Add 1 to the digits that come before the digit 5.(Eg. add 1 to 2 in case of 25 squared)

2. The first part of the answer is the number(consisting of the digits that come before 5)times the number you get be adding 1 to it(here, 2x3=6)

3.The second part of the answer is simply 25.

Eg 1:

For, (35)²->3+1=4, 3x4=12 , therefore answers=>1225

Eg 2:

(65)²->6+1=7, 6x7=42 , hence, answer=>4225

Vedic Mathematics : An Introduction

This post corresponds to the Public Session By Dev on 25th Jan, 2009.

The Origin

Born in the Vedic Age - There are sixteen Sutras and thirteen Sub-Sutras in the writings of "Atharva Vedas" the fourth Veda.

Atharva Veda deals with the branches like Engineering, Mathematics, sculpture, Medicine, and other sciences.

Rediscovered from the ancient Indian scriptures between by Sri Bharati Krishna Tirthaji (a scholar of Sanskrit, Mathematics, History and Philosophy)


For each one of us : Time-saving; Calculations become faster

For the children : They only need to learn tables upto 9

For MBA and Economics students

Useful for those appearing for CAT (and other competitive exams) : To beat the competition by:

-Eliminating wrong answers using mental calculation

-Approximations in Data Interpretation

-Intelligent Guessing using Vedic Math